Home Ketani pentru prostată

Ketani pentru prostată

Aug 20, 2013 prostate cancer cells (PC-3 cells), neuronal PC12 cells, and pri- Gao X, Bian W, Yang J, Tang K, Kitani H, Atsumi T, Jing N. 2001.

bun prostatita medicamentos

Sep 2, 2014 affect androgen-independent prostate cancer cells and the subset of and M. A. Ketani, “Protective effect of Öküzgözü (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) .

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Aug 1, 2018 PET/CT images with [(68)Ga]NeoBOMB1 were acquired in prostate cancer Nock BA, Cescato R, Ketani E, Waser B, Reubi JC, Maina.
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Dec 19, 2012 Prostate. Vena et al. [1986], 1950–1979, Cohort, 2, 376, 6, SMR: 0.64 Akdag MZ, Celik S, Ketani A, Nergiz Y, Deniz M, Dasdag S. Effect.
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Specific receptors for bombesin/gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) on the androgen‐independent human prostate cancer cell lines PC‐3 and DU‐145 were .
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Aug 4, 2016 The first evidence of prostate cancer lesion visualization in men using Nock BA,; Cescato R,; Ketani E,; Waser B,; Reubi JC,; Maina.
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Aug 4, 2016 During a translational study in prostate cancer patients, Nock BA, Cescato R, Ketani E, Waser B, Reubi JC, Maina T. [99mTc]demomedin.

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