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Prognostic de prostatită bacteriană cronică

The International Prognostic Index (IPI) is a clinical tool developed by oncologists to aid in predicting the prognosis of patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.2.3 prognostic tests Prognostic markers (biomarkers) are characteristics that help to identify or categorise people with different risks of specific future outcomes. They may be simple clinical measures such as body mass index, but are more often pathological, biochemical, molecular or genetic measures or attributes.

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The Prognostic Index for Cancer Outcomes predicts cancer mortality from serum biomarkers.prognostic - a sign of something about to happen; "he looked for an omen before going into battle" omen , portent , prognostication , presage , prodigy augury , foretoken , preindication , sign - an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come; "he hoped it was an augury";.

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Prognostic tests can help you and your healthcare provider understand the biology of your tumor by looking at the level of expression in certain genes. This is the basis for Myriad’s Prolaris ® testing as well as a number of additional tests Myriad has in development for lung, bladder and kidney cancers.Prognosticul este de obicei bun şi cei mai mulţi pacienţi cu prostatită acută nu vor. dezvolta ulterior o prostatită bacteriană cronică. Orhoepidimita. Clasificarea. Cauze, clinica, diagnostic şi tratament. Inflamaţia bacteriana acuta a epididimului si testiculului este de obicei unilaterala, cu debut acut de obicei. Simptomul clinic predominant este durerea violenta cu iradiere.
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"I think that prog rock is the science fiction of music. Science fiction speculates on what the future might be and look like and how we'll get there, and yet there's always a central theme of humanity, or there should.Doctors have little specific research to draw on when predicting outcome. In this first article in a series Karel Moons and colleagues explain why research into prognosis is important and how to design such research Prognosis simply means foreseeing, predicting, or estimating the probability.
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STRAWBS: PROGNOSTIC, October 2014. This is a new CD release of prog rock material by the Strawbs, due in October 2014. In a review in Rolling Stone in 1974, Ken Barnes wrote: "Strawbs moved from folkier days to a lush, stately and mellotron-dominated sound, with similarities to Yes, King Crimson and the Moody Blues.Abstract. From a multiple-regression analysis of prognostic factors and survival in a series of 387 patients with primary breast cancer, a prognostic index has been constructed, based on lymph-node stage, tumour size and pathological grade.
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Of, pertaining to or characterized by prognosis or prediction.··(rare, medicine) prognosis 1935, T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral, Part I: There are several opinions as to what he meant But no one considers it a happy prognosis. (Can we find and add a quotation of Parr to this entry?) A sign by which a future event may be known or foretold.Prognostic role of simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index and the European Society of Cardiology Prognostic Model in shortand long-term risk stratification in pulmonary embolism Separate analyses were carried out to identify prognostic factors.
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Introduction. With increasing frequency, multiple objective measures of normal or pathologic biological processes as well as measures of social, psychological, behavioral, and demographic features are being associated with important patient outcomes.History and Etymology for prognostic. Noun. Middle English pronostique, from Middle French, from Latin prognosticum, from Greek prognōstikon, from neuter of prognōstikos foretelling, from progignōskein.

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